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Monday, April 23, 2012

Current Leg Bushing Modified to fit Leitz

Hi Gary,
I have attached pictures of the before and after process.
My friend Gary (Hmmmm  Something going on with that...)
cut the flat non beveled part and then whittled it down to the right thickness
He put the piece over a wooden dowel and duct taped over washer
then he used a small saw (hacksaw) with a fine tooth blade and cut it by hand
I guess you could use a dremel, but this seemed the better choice.
I am holding on to the other washer as is and if over time the current resized washer
works, then I will go ahead and make another...  If not, then I will not cut off the non
beveled section and then whittle it all down...  that leaves the washer a little
wider, then I can (hopefully) slide that elongated thin part under the larger/upper leg...
if that makes sense to you
Anyhow, I don't claim to know the parts of the tripod so...  if you would like to share these pictures ...  I will leave the description up to you.
We used a dremel with a sanding barrel tip to widdle it down
Thanks Gary,
Beth Pauze